A large part of your property's condition depends on the type and health of vegetation that grows there. Attractive landscaping will contain elements of shade and ground vegetation growth along with some hardscaping. The tree providing the shade in your yard needs to be kept in a healthy condition and watched for problems or illness, so it is important to manage the life cycle of any tree on your property with the right activities.
Here are some recommendations for you to do so and keep your yard trees growing healthy and an attractive part of your property landscaping.
1. Manage Tree Placement
Before you decide to plant a tree anywhere in your yard, you need to select the right placement for its growth. Based on the tree's size at mature height, you may be able to plant your tree within anywhere from ten to twenty-five feet of your home without causing foundation or roof damage.
It is also a good idea to watch out for power line placement in your yard before planting a tree that will grow large, as you will need to arrange for regular annual tree trimming to keep the tree's mature growth out of the power lines and prevent damage to the lines and power outage.
If you already have a tree growing in your yard from a previous homeowner, for example, that is at risk of growing into a nearby structure or power lines, you can still keep the tree but have it professionally trimmed. Talk to a local tree professional for the right trimming to prevent damage to your home, garage, shed, or power lines.
2. Watch Out for Growth Problems
Anytime a tree in your property has become a problem with its growth, whether it has become diseased or is a weed tree that is leaving too much debris in your yard, you can have it safely removed. First off, a tree that is diseased and cannot be saved should be cut down professionally so it does not harm structures or individuals. Unless the tree can be treated and saved from the disease, it is only going to put your property at risk of damage, either from it falling in a storm, or it passing on the disease to other trees in the area.
A tree that is depositing a large amount of seed pods, sap, or excessive branches, you might choose to remove the tree and have it replaced with another type of tree that is better suited to your property. Tree professionals help with the entire tree's removal by cutting it down and dismantling it safely, removing the limbs or wood-chipping them into mulch, and also removing the stump. Ask about a stump grinding service, which involves chopping up the stump along with the main section of roots all within the soil, turning all woody material into fine wood chips.
If you need to cut down or trim a tree, consider contacting companies like Treetime Inc.