Four Distinct And Different Landscaping Ideas For Your Patio

Take some time to consider the many landscaping options that you may take advantage of around your home, particularly your patio space. These areas of the property often require some clever configuring to accommodate distinctive displays while still leaving room to lounge. Four fun and distinctive landscaping treatments for your patio include: Whimsical water feature. A great idea for a patio is to skip the elaborate plants altogether and opt for the effortless landscaping design of a water feature. [Read More]

Beautiful Yard: Live Sustainably With Water-Saving Xeriscaping

Spring is the perfect time to start growing your garden and priming your landscape to be green and lush. However, as summer approaches, the heat can make it difficult and very costly to maintain a beautiful lawn and garden. Luckily, there is a way to save money, conserve water and keep your yard breathtakingly beautiful. You just need to give xeriscaping a try. What Exactly Is Xeriscaping? This particular type of landscape isn't necessarily new, but since it is a sustainable way of gardening, not a lot of people are very familiar with it. [Read More]

3 Algae Prevention Tips For Koi Ponds

If you have a cement, stone, or plastic-based koi pond in your yard, you'll likely notice that in the springtime, the pond tends to grow a brown or green moss-like substance on the bottom of the pond and along the edges where it's under water. This moss is actually a type of algae and/or aquatic weed. Too much algae can be detrimental to the health of your koi, and it can also cause your pond water to become murky. [Read More]

Landscaping In Dry Climates: What You Should Know

Many people have a specific image in their minds when they picture the perfect lawn and landscaping design. This almost always includes a thick, lush lawn of green grass. However, if you live in a dry or arid climate like a desert, or even in an area that is prone to drought in recent years, this ideal image may be more of a dream than a reality. Rather than continue to shell out money for the upkeep of a dying lawn, get to know some of the other landscaping options available to those of you who live in a dry or drought-prone climate. [Read More]